This week's video and recipe {included below} are all about keeping it fresh and simple with minimal intervention.
I was jazzed up, inspired, and completely moved to tears {again}, by Sean Brock's episode of Chef's Table. He reminds us to let go of any fanciness and overworking of produce {and I'm throwing herbs in there too}, and appreciate the full glory of the plant in its intended state.
So this week, we're honoring the plants that we're given in our gardens by adding a few simple ingredients, but letting the true flavors shine.
The acid of the balsamic and the tomatoes balances out the fat in the olive oil and the sweetness and brightness of the lemon balm and basil. I always add a pinch of salt to all things sweet and a pinch of sugar {Sucanat} to all things savory to create richness and harmony across all tastebuds. Easy-as-pie!
And if you love simple, medicinal, summertime recipes, please join me in-person for a Medicinal Herbs for the Summer Kitchen workshop to deepen your kitchen herbalism skills and partake in some seriously tasty treats. Click HERE to learn more. I'd love to have you!
This week, my Kitchen Herbalism video shows LEMON BALM BRUSCHETTA. Click on the image below to watch and follow along!